All Fit Personal Training

All Fit Personal Training is located on Promontory Heights and serves the community of Chilliwack and surrounding areas. Allison offers small group and individual fitness classes for all ages and all fitness levels.


Fitness Classes

Taught by owner and instructor, Allison Hardman.


Adapted for You.

Individual and small covid-safe classes are uniquely adapted for you and your fitness goals.

Learn More


A Workout Space

Designed for individuals and small groups.



All Fit’s gym space is designed to accommodate individual and small group fitness classes with comfort. See more of our space in the gallery here:



How We’re Keeping You Safe

Covid Safety Measures

At All Fit, we take safety seriously.

A covid questionnaire/health-check is given prior to our sessions. Clients exhibiting any symptoms are asked to remain home and consult a health professional or call 8-1-1. We practice proper hand sanitizing (pre and post workout). We schedule thirty minutes between clients/classes to carefully clean and sanitize all equipment and surfaces. We encourage our clients to bring their own yoga mat & sweat towel. Masks are worn by trainers and participants are supplied with masks upon their request. All small group classes are conducted within participant’s own bubble.